Lakon Khol
Male Masked Theater
The Story of Reamker
Episode of Preah Ream Leading his Armies to Lanka
expanded surtitle text:
- (Sukrip, Angkut, Chumpou Pean, Nill Aek)
- (Preah Ream, Preah Leak, Piphek the Astrologer)
- (Phak Narration-Battambang Province)
- Preah Ream: Then, of the King, residing in the palace (Drum)
- The heart so troubling, not seeing the follower return. (Drum)
- Dispersed Narration: Then, of the King, Preah Ream, marvelously, upon seeing his royal younger brother, Piphek, the astrologer as well as all the followers so coming to his audience, without any delay, said: "It is good, younger brother Leak as well as all the faithful.I have ordered Hanuman, the follower, to go to Lanka, taking the royal ring to Sita. I hear of no news, seeing no trace of Hanuman returning to the kingdom. For my dear younger brother, what do you think? Speak up."
- Preah Leak: Then, Preah Leak, the younger brother, raised his hands in salutation, and said: "Your Majesty, my royal elder brother, Hanuman possesses great power. I totally trust his greatness, even hundreds of thousand demons cannot resist him. May it inform, Your Majesty."
- Sukrip: "He will soon arrive to Your Majesty's audience, because Hanuman, the powerful, is very faithful to the King. May it inform, Your Majesty."
- (Hanuman entering to the audience)
- (Preah Ream hurriedly holding Hanuman with joy, then asking)
- Preah Ream: "That's good, that's good. Hanuman, the best follower, how was the work? Report to us without any delay, so to eliminate all doubt."
- Hanuman: Then, Hanuman bowed with his hand raised and said: "Your Majesty the royal wife Seda is extremely well. She has received your royal ring while weeping and conveying her message to Your Majesty to lead the armies to destroy the City of Lanka, killing the demons and freeing your royal wife as soon as possible. May it inform, Your Majesty."
- Preah Ream having all heard, his heart so moved, His Majesty asked Piphek, the astrologer: "Piphek, the astrologer, when will it be possible for us to go to the City of Lanka, Piphek?"
- Piphek: Piphek, the astrologer, grabbed his writing board and chalk calculating according to the triple-vedic manual. Upon seeing clearly, then raised his hands to salute and said: "Your Majesty, according to the manual, going at this moment would be most successful in all directions. All the demons will be defeated, die, and will not be reborn."
- Preah Ream: "Very good, Piphek, the astrologer. Therefore, all the great followers, do not miss and delay. Hurriedly lead all the armies to construct the causeway to the City of Lanka."
- Together: "May we receive the order, Your Majesty."
- (Preah Ream reviewing his armies)
- (Demon Armies-Dancing to the music Krao Nai)
- (Reap entering alone, then sitting on the riser)
- (Phak Narration)
- Reap, the demon race of the Kingdom of Lanka, after abducting the Honorable royal wife Seda, attempted to serenade to win her heart. But, the demon failed.
- Normal declamation: Reap, the demon warrior of Brahman race, was so furious in his heart, because he failed in courting Seda. He ordered all his demon armies: "All the followers. Guard well. The enemies may attempt to take Seda. Or else, you could be beheaded."
- Demon Soldiers: May we receive the order, Your Majesty.
- (One demon soldier running to report)
- One Soldier: "Respected Your Majesty."
- Reap: "Good, alright, the guard. At this moment, what brings you here?"
- One Soldier: Your Majesty! At this moment, the human armies totally surround the City of Lanka. May it inform, Your Majesty."
- Reap: Having heard the soldier so telling, Reap was furious in his heart, said: "Now, they come to die by themselves. Therefore, soldiers, do not waste any time. The time to wage war has arrived. Do not let even one be alive."
- Demon Soldiers: "May we receive your order, Your Majesty."
- (Reap reviewing his armies prior to going to the battle)
- (Preah Ream's armies engaging in battle with Reap's armies)
- The ten-faced demon King, upon facing each other's armies, condescendingly asked: "The human armies, are you courageous without fear of dying that you dare trespass our kingdom without shame?"
- Preah Ream, upon hearing the demon King utter impolite words, replied: "Being the thief, but turning to threat saying things without shame. Who abducted our royal wife Seda. Hurriedly answer it."
- Reap upon so hearing, was very furious in his heart. Uncontrollably, her replied: "The insects not knowing the fire, if you wish to die, we can be your company." All the followers, be brave - dead or alive - for the cause of Lanka!"
- Preah Leak: Then, Preah Leak, the royal younger brother, upon hearing the unsweetened words of sarcasm toward his royal elder brother, rushed to scold Reap, saying: "Honor is as high as the sky, but instead, coming to sleep at the crust of the earth clay. I did not realize that the King of the Kingdom of Lanka dares commit such evil and worthless acts. Don't waste time; hurriedly return our royal sister Sita to us."
- "May we receive your order, Your Majesty."
- Piphek, the astrologer, upon knowing the secrets of combat of Reap, said to Preah Ream:
"Preah Ream, my lord, King Reap is very powerful and cannot be put to death. Only your magic bow can kill him. May it inform, your Majesty."
- Upon hearing these words, His Majesty recited a magic formula and drew a bow killing the demon immediately.
- (Preah Ream's armies fighting Reap's armies)
- "I miss you so much! I never thought to see your face again.
I suffered twelve years being separated of you by evil Reap."

Piphek, the astrologer, grabbed his writing board and chalk