Vaddhana Devi, adapted from the story of Psyche
- surtitle text:
- Princess Vaddhana Devi and her ladies-in-waiting go to pray.
- The goddess Raki is jealous of Vaddhana Devi’s beauty.
- Raki summons her son, the god Samiddha.
- Shoot an arrow at Vaddhana Devi so that she falls in love with the monster Sambali.
- Samiddha leaves to carry out his mission.
- The bird Sambali rejoices at the idea of having a wife.
- Sambali’s residence.
- We share your pain, my daughter, for we love you so much.
- Sambali, the baleful bird which desires me to be his wife!
- My heart longs for you.
- Do not desire me! I do not love you!
- When about to loose his arrow, Samiddha discovers the beautiful lady’s face, and abandons his mission.
- Moved by Vaddhana Devi’s beauty, the god Samiddha falls in love with her.
- I am transformed into a golden man to rescue the beautiful lady.
- Samiddha regains his divine appearance and continues the combat.
- The Kennoris, half-women/half-birds, are sent by Samiddha to search for Vaddhana Devi in the forest.
- The Kennoris take the princess to the god’s residence.
- The more I look at you, the more I love you.
- Wake, my lady!
- She wakes to the melodious sounds made by the man of gold.
- They fall in love.
- She asks the golden man to bring her two sisters.
- I cannot wait to see my sisters.
- I will bring you them.
- We are very angry!
- Why has the golden man fallen in love with our sister? Let us end this love.
- My dear sisters!
- The golden man is a base man! You must kill him and return with us.
- The following night, Vaddhana Devi enters the golden man’s room to kill him.
- But she discovers a handsome god!
- How dare you betray me?
- The peacock offers a fruit to the distraught princess.
- The deer shows her a pond so that she may quench her thirst.
- The goddess Raki sets off to meet the princess in order to lay a trap for her.
- What are you doing alone in this forest?
- I am looking for my beloved; I am expecting his child.
- Take this box. You may open it only when you find him.
- The god Samiddha revives Vaddhana Devi with sacred water.
- I will ask the god Indra to bless our couple.
- Indra is calling you.
- Indra orders festivities.
- My heart is filled with happiness when I see these flowers.
- In this garden of paradise the senses are heightened.
- We braid garlands of flowers to attire ourselves.
- Indra blesses the couple and their child.
- Vaddhana Devi becomes a goddess.