The Embassy of Sweden in Phnom Penh, CamASEAN (Cambodia) and The Unstraight Museum (Sweden) would cordially like to invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Rainbow Life Exhibition” on December Ist, 5 Pm at The Mansion Villa #325, Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
“RainbowLife Exhibition” is an exhibition to raise awareness of social acceptance by Khmer families and community in Cambodia by showing the life of LGBTI people with different backgrounds. The exhibition consists of 7 parts with never heard or seen testimonies from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex communities in Cambodia. Stories from persons that previously have not been heard but through this exhibition have given a voice.
The project is a unique collaboration between Swedish and Cambodian institutions and is a part of the larger international initiative “Unstraight Perspectives” that have been documenting and exhibiting stories from the LGBTI communities in a number of countries over the past years including Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Russia and Vietnam.
We are looking forward to your presence at this event. Light food and beverages will be served.
Respecitully Yours,
CAM-ASEAN Youth's Future, The Unstraight Museum, Sweden, FCC, SI, Svenska Postkod Lotteriet
5:00 PM Registration at The Mansion Villa 6:00 PM Dance performance “Blessing Dance” 6:15 PM Opening remarks and speech by Swedish Ambassador, Mrs Anna Maj Hultgård
Speech by Kong Yara, CamASEAN
Speech by Ulf Petersson, The Unstraight Museum Official opening of exhibition by H.E. Mak Sambath, President of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee
7:00 PM La CHHUK Recycle Fashion Show
7:20 PM Screenings of films “Il can be who 1am”, “No matter who | am” and “ two girls against the rain” and Q&A
8:00 PM Talent Show from LGBT community
The exhibition will be open December 2nd until December 31st, every day from 9 AM to 11 PM.
Please contact us for any inquiries. Contact info (855) 69 37 36 62 or Email: