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Sbek Thom |
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Books, papers and articles in English
- Burridge, Stephanie and Frumberg, Fred, Editors. "Beyond the Apsara: Celebrating Dance in Cambodia", 242 pp., Routledge India 2009
- Chet Chan, Daravuth Ly and Ingrid Muan,"The Reamker: Painted by Chet Chan", Reyum Publishing, 153 pp., over 100 color illustrations, Phnom Penh 2002
- Chor Chanthyda, "An Analysis of the Trickster Archetype as Represented by the Rabbit Character in Khmer Folktales", MoA Thesis, Phnom Penh 2004
- Choulean, Ang, "Brah Ling", trilingual Khmer, English and French. 176pp., Reyum Publications 2004
- Cravath, Paul, "Earth in Flower", 514 pp., Datasia, 2007
- Aa.Vv., "Catalogue of the Exhibition – on Khmer Lacquer Making and Lakhaoun Khaol", Khmer and English, 23 Plates, Reyum, Phnom Penh 1999
- Diamond, Catherine, "Communities of Imagination: Contemporary Southeast Asian Theatres", 2012
- Geach, Catherine and Sharp, Naomi, "Traditional Musical Instruments of Cambodia", UNESCO, Cambodia 2003
- Ghosh, Amitav, "Dancing in Cambodia", p. 125-169, Granta 44, 1993 or
- —"Dancing in Cambodia, at Large in Burma", Delhi: Ravi Dayal Publisher 1998
- Groslier, George, "Cambodian Dancers", 462 pp., DatAsia, 2010
- Heywood, Denise, "Cambodian Dance: Celebration of the Gods", 144 pp., River Books, Bangkok 2008
- "Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Cambodia", 120 pp., UNESCO and Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, JSRC, Phnom Penh 2004
- Jacob, Judith M., and Kuoch Haksrea, Reamker (Rāmakerti): the Cambodian Version of the Rāmāyaṇa, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006
- Jacobsen,Trudy, "Lost Goddesses: The Denial of Female Power in the History of Cambodia", 358 pp., Gendering Asia # 4, NIAS Press 2008
- Kam, Garrett, "Ramayana, in the Arts of Asia", 292 pp., Select Books, Singapore 2000
- Keo, Narom and Prum, Sisaphanta, "Apsara Dance", 114 pp., Committee of Research on Arts and Culture, The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts 2003.
- Lim, How Ngean, "Choreographic Modernities: Movement, Mobility and Contemporary Dance from Southeast Asia", 255 pp., Doctorate Thesis, Singapore 2014 (pdf)
- Marchal, Sappho, "Khmer Costumes and Ornaments Of the Devatas of Angkor Wat", Orchid Press 2005
- Mehta, Julie B., "Dance of Life: The Mythology, History and Politics of Cambodian Culture", 304 pp., Singapore: Graham Brash 2001
- Miettinen, Jukka O., "Classical dance and theatre in South-East Asia", 175pp., Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1992
- Nut, Suppya Helene, "The Legend of Apsara Mera: Princess Norodom Buppha Devi's Choreography for the Royal Ballet of Cambodia", Asian Theatre Journal, vol. 31, no. 1 p. 279-289 (Spring 2014)
- Pich, Tum Kravel, "Khmer Dances", p. 7-25 English, 197 pp., Toyota Foundation 2001
- —"Lakhaoun Khaol (Khmer Mask Theater)", Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh 1997
- —"Sbek Thom: Khmer Shadow Theater", p. 1-35 English, 153 Plates, Cornell, UNESCO 1995
- Phim, Toni Samantha and Thompson, Ashley: "Dance in Cambodia", 91 pp., Oxford University Press 2000
- Roveda, Vittorio "Images of the Gods", River Books, Thailand 2005
- "The Royal Ballet", 126 pp., July 2008, With the contribution of UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust (also pdf)
- "The Royal Ballet of Cambodia, Final Narrative Project Report", 41 pp., May 2009, With the contribution of UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust
- Sam, Sam-Ang and Sam, Chan-Moly, "Khmer Folk Dance", 73 pp., Khmer Studies Institute, Newington 1987
- Sam, Sam-Ang and Shehan Campbell, Patricia, "Silent Temples, Songful Hearts: Traditional Music of Cambodia", 139 pp., World Music Press, 1991
- Sam, Sam-Ang, "Dance Khmer", Khmer Culture Association, 2003
- Kong, Vireak & Preap, Chanmara,"Sbek Thom", UNESCO, Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts 2014 (pdf)
- Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology, Volume IX, Dept. of Ethnomusicology, University of Califonia, Los Angeles 1992, Paul Cravath, Chan Moly Sam, Sam-Ang Sam
- Stewart, Lucretia, Editor, "Sacred Dancers of Banteay Srei", Photographs by Anders Jiras, Rafael Winer and Sasha Constable. 106 pp., The Nginn-Karet Foundation for Cambodia, 2013
- Suon, Bun Rith, "A brief background of Lakhaon Bassac (traditional opera theatre)", Siksâcakr no 3, July 2001, Center for Khmer Studies (pdf)
- Thompson, Ashley "Calling the Souls, a Cambodian Ritual Text", bilingual, English and French. 169pp., Reyum Publications 2005
- Va, Bophary, "Pithi Sampeah Kru Phleng Mahori at the Royal University of Fine Arts, Cambodia", Master of Arts Thesis, 247 pp., Mahidol University 2008 (pdf)
- Wilhelm, Prince of Sweden, "In the lands of the sun: notes and memories of a tour in the East", London, Eveleigh Nash, 1915
Books etc in French
- Ang Choulean, "Les êtres surnaturels dans la religion populaire khmère, préface de G.Condominas", 349pp., Cedoreck Paris 1986 (Bibliotheque Khmère, Série B: Travaux et Recherches, Collection dirigée par Nouth Narang, Volume I)
- — "Brah Ling", trilingual Khmer, English and French. 176pp., Reyum Publications 2004
- Bizot, François, "Ramaker: L'amour symbolique de Ram et Seta", publications de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris 1989
- Cuisinier, Jeanne, "Danses cambodgiennes. D'après la version originale de S.C.Thiounn", Hanoi 1930
- Groslier, Georges, "Danseuses cambodgiennes anciennes et modernes", A. Challamel 1913
- Khoury, Stéphanie, "Le petit théâtre d'ombres au Cambodge: approche de la musique traditionnelle khmère dans un contexte de représentation", Maîtrise d'ethnomusicologie à l'université de Paris X-Nanterre 2003
- Loviny, Christophe, "Les danseuses sacrées d'Angkor", Seuil 2002
- Marchal, Sappho, "Costumes et parures khmers", Librairie nationale d'art et d'histoire Vanouest 1927
- Meyer, Roland, "Saramani danseuse khmèr", Kailash, 1997 [1919] (3 vol.)
- Nut, Suppya Hélène, "Étude du vocabulaire du théâtre royal khmer", Cahiers d'études Franco‐Cambodgiens (CEFC), no 6, 1994, 83 pp.
- —"Les danseuses sacrées d'Angkor", Photographies de Christophe Loviny, 192 pp., Seuil‐Jazz, Paris 2002
- Sem, Sara, "Lokhon Khol au Village de Vat-Svay-Andet son Rôle dans les Rites Agraires", Selected Article from Universite Royale Des Beaux-Arts, Annales num. 1, 1967. Link: https://cdn.angkordatabase.asia/libs/docs/publications/lokhon-khol-and-agrarian-rituals/Sem_Lokhon_Khol1.pdf
- Thierry, Solange "Le Popil: Objet rituel cambodgien" 130pp., Cedoreck 1984 (Bibliotheque Khmère, Série A, Textes et Documents, Volume II)
- Thompson, Ashley,"Le rappel des ames", text rituel khmer, bilingual, English and French. 169pp., Reyum Publications 2005
Book in Italian
- Morotti, Fabio, "Teatro e danza in Cambogia", 368 pp., Collana Antigone, Editoria & Spettacolo, 2010
Bok på Svenska
- Wilhelm, hertig av Södermanland, "Där Solen Lyser: Minnen och anteckningar från en resa i orienten", 292 pp. + karta, Andra upplagan. Norstedt och söner, Stockholm 1913 (In the Lands of the Sun, 1915)
Books in Khmer
- "Coconut Dance", UNESCO Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2000
- "Pestle Dance", UNESCO Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2003
- "Yike and Bassac", UNESCO Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2000
- Hun Sarin, "Traditional Musical Instruments of Cambodia", UNESCO, Cambodia, 2003 [1994]
- "Khmer Performing Arts", 2003.
- Pich, Tum Kravel, "Khmer Dances", Toyota Foundation, 2001
- —"Khmer Mask Theater", Toyota Foundation, 2001
- —"Sbek Thom : Khmer Shadow Theater", Ithaca, Cornell University & Unesco, 199 p. + 155 ill. Thavro Phim and Sos Kem (UNESCO and SEAP) 1995
- —"Color Leather and Shadow Puppet", 170 pp., p. 3-16 English, Toyota Foundation
- Loviny, Christophe, "The Apsaras of Angkor", 192 pp., Sipar/Jazz Editions 2003 (also French version)
Sbek Thom, Big shadow play
- Beyrand, Louise. "Les marionnettes de théâtre d’ombre khmères: l’exemple de la collection du musée Guimet." Mémoire d’étude de muséologie, École du Louvre, Année 2010-2011.
- Broman, Sven "Shadows of Life: Nang Talung, Thai Popular Shadow Theatre", White Orchid Press, Bangkok 1996. Pp. viii, 105. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
- Brunet, Jacques, "Nang Sbek", Kambuja, no. 53, August 1969.
- –"Nang Sbek. Théâtre d’ombres dansé du Cambodge." Berlin: Publication de l’Institut international d’études comparatives de la musique, 1969.
- Brunet, Jacques, and the Royal University of Fine Arts. Several papers on Cambodian performing arts, including puppetry, given at the Conference on the Traditional Drama and Music of Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- "Cambodia Arts Directory". Visiting Arts, managing editor Tim Doling, UK, ISBN 1-902349-28-8, 2001. 182 pp.
- Chet Chan, Daravuth Ly and Ingrid Muan,"The Reamker: Painted by Chet Chan", Reyum Publishing, 153 pp., over 100 color illustrations, Phnom Penh 2002
- Ebihara, May M., Carol A. Mortland, and Judy Ledgerwood, eds. "Cambodian Culture Since 1975: Homeland and Exile". Ithaca (NY): Cornell Univ. Press, 1994.
- Fowler, Robert. "Cambodian Revival". Animations. London, June/July 1995;
- —"Cambodia: Sbek Touch". Animations. August/September 1995;
- —"Theatres of Memory, Cambodia, An Update". Animations. April/May 1997.
- Groslier, George, "Le théâtre et la danse au Cambodge", Journal asiatique, tome CCXIV, no. 1, Janv-Mars 1929.
- Janin, Stéphane, "Sovanna Phum. Théâtre d’ombres". Montreuil: Éditions de l’Œil, 2003.
- Kam, Garrett, "Ramayana, in the Arts of Asia", Select Books, Singapore, 2000.
- Khoury, Stéphanie, "Le Petit Théâtre d’Ombres Au Cambodge. Approche de la musique traditionnelle khmère dans un contexte de représentation". Maîtrise d’Ethnomusicologie, Université Paris X-Nanterre, 2003.
- Kong, Vireak & Preap, Chanmara,"Sbek Thom", UNESCO, Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts 2014 (pdf)
- Phim, Toni Samantha and Thompson, Ashley, "Dance in Cambodia", Oxford – University Press. 2000. ISBN 978-9835600593.
- Pich, Tum Kravel "Sbek Thom: Khmer Shadow Theater", Cornell, UNESCO, 1995. 350 pp.; includes 35-page abridgment in English of Khmer text, full set of puppets illustrated.
- —"Color Leather and Shadow Puppet", 170 pp., p. 3-16 English, Toyota Foundation, Phnom Penh 2000
- —"Sbaek Poa, Sbaek Touch, Colour Leather and Shadow Puppetry". Phnom Penh, 2000. 170 pp.; includes 11-page English summary of the Khmer.
- —"Sbek Thom: Khmer Shadow Theater", Cornell Southeast Asia Program and UNESCO 1995.
- "The Reamker: Painted by Chet Chan", Reyum Institute of Arts and Culture, 153 pp., over 100 color illustrations, Phnom Penh, 2002.
- Marchal, Henri, "Note sur un théâtre d’ombres à Siemreap". Bulletin de la Société des Études Indochinoises. T. XXXIII, No. 3, 1958, pp. 251-260.
- Miura, Keiko. UNESCO: "Information on Cambodian Shadow Puppets". (In-house) mission report researched in December 1993 and March 1994.
- Phim, Toni Samantha, and Thompson, Ashley "Dance in Cambodia". Oxford Univ. Press, 1999. Contains a chapter on sbaek thom.
- Sam, Sam-Ang. "Religion and the Arts in Khmer Life: a Question of Continuity and Challenge". Focus: The Center for Khmer Studies. No. 1. 2003-2004, pp. 14-17.
- —"The Floating Maiden in Khmer Shadow Play: Its Text, Context, and Performance". Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology. Ed. Amy Catlin. Vol. 9. Los Angeles, 1992, pp 115-130.
- —"The Pin Peat Ensemble: Its History, Music, and Context". (PhD diss.) Middletown: Wesleyan University, 1988, 435 pp.
- Thierry, Solange, "Les danses sacrées au Cambodge", Sources Orientales, no. 6, Paris 1963.
- UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Proclamation 2005: "Sbek Thom, Khmer Shadow Theatre".
- VANN, Molyvann, "New Life infused into the Arts in Cambodia", Kambuja, May 1965.
- Introduction to the Khmer Dance Project: http://www.khmerstudies.org/research-training/khmer-dance-project and directly: digitalcollections.nypl.org/dancevideo and in the search box, write "Khmer Dance Project". [Sept. 2017]
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_play
- "Sbek Thom", Kong, Vireak; Preap, Chanmara, March 2014, unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002273/227352E.pdf
- http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/en/RL/sbek-thom-khmer-shadow-theatre-00108#diaporama