
Theater Handgemenge
Unlike other fringe theatre ensembles, which consist of regular members, the Theater Handgemenge more closely resembles a loose association of artists who come together in different constellations to put on theatre productions.
The heart of the group is formed by the three artists Peter Müller, Anette Wurbs (and Pierre Schäfer who did not join this project), all graduates from the renowned Ernst Busch Theatre Academy in Berlin, where they specialised in puppet theatre. Their co-productions with various theatres and fringe groups in Berlin and beyond are regular guests at international festivals.

The Piece: Kasper – A German Piece
The German Punch is getting worked up in his own tradition. With his very unique lack of respect towards conventions and taboos, he has taken his own and his Gretel's faith in his wooden hands over the years. But the devil continues to be a skilful seducer and the might of evil has an effect on the Punch – who is only human in the end. Whether eventually the Punch's wit and jest succeed is a question that needs to be answered anew everyday.

Peter Müller and Anette Wurbs setting up in Yangon
